Undergraduate students:
Each year we accommodate one or two undergraduate students, mostly from the University of Sevilla, although international students have also worked in our labs as undergraduates. There is the opportunity to join the group as TFG (undergraduate) or TFM (master) students, although interested candidates have additional opportunities as “intern students” (alumno interno) or with a CSIC internship, typically to develop a research project over the summer. In addition, there is some potential funding at undergraduate level from the University of Sevilla. Please contact Jesús Campos for opportunities.
PhD students:
In order to join the group prospective students need to be accepted in the University of Sevilla Doctorate Program for which having a Master degree is currently a requirement (e. g. The University of Sevilla offers a master program in chemistry that gives access to the PhD studies offered therein). There are several regional and national sources of funding for which we have a good recent track record of success. Interested candidates are welcome to visit our laboratories and discuss potential research projects and funding with Jesús Campos.
Postdoctoral researchers:
The group is now at its infancy and several postdoctoral positions will be advertised in the near future as part of Dr. Campos’ ERC Starting Grant. Interested candidates are welcome to contact Jesús Campos to discuss science and potential funding. Apart from our ongoing projects, postdoctoral candidates can apply to competitive national (e. g. Juan de la Cierva, Talentia) and international (e. g. Marie Curie, Humboldt, DFG) funding schemes. For instance, for the latter, since 2020 three Marie Curie fellows have prepared successful applications and joined as Marie Curie researchers to our team.
International visitors and short stays:
In the last few years we have had international visitors that have enriched our group in many ways. Visiting researchers from Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Austria, Poland, Mexico and Morocco have stayed in our labs. Most of them have joined us for several months under the Erasmus+ program. We are looking forward to receiving your expressions of interest under this or other schemes and to host you in our group.